Enjoy the Holidays!

We are going to take a break from our tax and business tips this week.  Instead, the family of Bradstreet & Company would like to wish you and your family the most joyous holiday season and best wishes for 2021.

We hope you enjoy the Tax Tip of The Week.  As always, your topic suggestions and questions are always appreciated.

Is the Tax Tip of the Week real?

While your kids are questioning if Santa is real, we continue to receive some interesting feedback that some of you don’t realize this is really Bradstreet CPAs reaching out each week (… some suspect this is a “packaged” communication to which we add our logo.) Well, rest assured it’s us and we love to hear from you.
Enjoy the week and, “Yes Virgina, there is a Santa Claus”.

Wishing you all great things,

The Staff at Bradstreet & Company


Happy New Year!!


Tax Loss - Harvesting